It is a competitive world out there and the job market is already heaving with highly competent people doing jobs they are over-qualified for. It is becoming harder than ever to secure a job – especially a job we actually want and enjoy doing. But, hope is not gone, we just need to work a little harder to stand out. Nowadays, there are millions of young people with degrees all going for the same jobs. Unfortunately, that bachelor’s degree you worked so hard to get is not enough to bag you your dream job. You need a little extra flair.
Before you start firing off your CV, you want to make sure it is as good as it can possibly be. You only get one chance at a first impression and you don’t want your CV going straight in the bin. So, here are five ways you can make your CV stand out. If you don’t have any of the following, now is your chance to go out and change that.
Extra Qualifications
Extra qualifications are always impressive on a CV. If they are relevant to the job you’re applying for that’s excellent, but any extra qualifications will look good. They show that you are serious about self-development and progression and that you have the dedication and commitment to see a course through from beginning to end.
Whether you spent an entire year helping death row convicts in the US, or you give one day a week to your local Oxfam shop, volunteering always wins you big points with recruiters. There is an on-going push for workers with a social conscience and volunteering on your CV shows you are more than just a brainy robot. It shows you care about the greater good and you are willing to give up your time for a good cause. This leads to the assumption that you are a good person and are probably someone they would want to work with.
Can you speak extra languages? Are you a dab hand with Python? Anything that makes you stand out should be going on your CV and that includes particular skills that you have. You might not realise it when you are applying, but the company might be in the middle of revamping their promotional material and if you can translate documents for their international market, you might be exceptionally valuable to the company.
Just like with volunteering, hobbies show to the recruiter that you are more than just an employee. They show the other side of your personality and offer a glimpse into what makes you tick. Perhaps your interviewer loves skiing and sees that you do too – immediately you two have something to talk about other than the details of the job. You need to come across as someone who would fit in with the rest of the office and showing that you are a normal human who likes things other than working 24/7 will help you do this.
Your first thought when you read the world achievements was probably something like ‘prizes’ or ‘awards’. These are both excellent decorations for your CV, but they are far from the only achievements you could have. Maybe you have travelled extensively or read hundreds of novels. Perhaps you were elected to a position of authority for a university society or you successfully organised a large event. All of these things make you look hard-working and impressive in the eyes of an employer.