
Top 5 All Time Funniest Movies


If you have even the faintest inkling of a sense of humour then you have probably seen at least one, if not all of the movies in this article. If you haven’t then there is something wrong with your taste in films. We have rounded up the top 5 funniest movies of all time and put them in a handy list. So, take a look at the list and work out what you need to add to your watch list.


Airplane! remains to this day one of the funniest movies ever to have been made. The first of its kind, this spoof movie features every cliché in the book and has since been used as inspiration for hundreds of comedies ever since. Relentlessly filled with hilarious, although more often than not crude, gags, the film is a riot from take-off to landing. The film has certainly become a bit dated with age but there is still no way to watch it without laughing so hard you ache.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Monty Python redefined comedy as far as many people are concerned. Their humour is fiercely intelligent and this wit permeates from every piece of work they lay their hands on. The Holy Grail is a comedy that follows a bunch of knights as they search for, yep you guessed it, the Holy Grail. Hilarity ensues as they encounter a whole host of bizarre characters and wind up in impossible, yet side-splitting, situations.

Dumb and Dumber

If you ever need to feel better about yourself and how your life is going, Dumb and Dumber is an ideal film to watch. Revolving around two idiots, the film is full of utter stupidity – and it’s absolutely hilarious. The plot sees the two well-meaning but incredibly dumb friends set off on a road trip only to encounter all kinds of mayhem along the way. The laughs are cheap but plentiful in this cinematic icon.

Blazing Saddles

When it comes to spoof movies, Blazing Saddles is up there with the best. When a corrupt politician sends a little town in Wild West its first black sheriff, things start to get heated. Confronting racial prejudice head on, many have called this film Mel Brook’s most audacious comedy. The film remains today incredibly important and unequivocally hilarious. If you haven’t taken the time to enjoy this flick yet, stop reading right now and go and watch it.

This is Spinal Tap

The original mockumentary, This is Spinal Tap will have you in stitches from beginning to end. The film is a fake documentary about an imaginary rock band called Spinal Tap. Fans of rock music will notice all kinds of different bands being referenced as we follow the bands shenanigans – not least the Beatles. The characters are ridiculous and so are the songs the band comes up with. This is one of the best films in cinematic history – and with good reason.

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