Everyone expects water to be available free in the world. However, you might notice that it is not quite so. Bottled water requires much processing and hence they sell at a price. People may afford to pay a price for a bottle of water. The normal water bottles in the market may appear cheap. However, we shall list out the top eight most expensive water bottles in the world. There must be something special. It is water or nectar they are selling.
Lauquen Artes Mineral Water
Lauquen is a leading international premium water bottle brand in the world. Their main source of water is from an aquifer located in the remote area in the Andes Mountains. The aquifer is about 1500 feet below the ground. Naturally, they have to spend a lot to source the water. Add the transportation and bottling costs to it. You get a bill of $6 per 750 ml. You may not find these bottles on the roadside shops.

A 750 ml bottle of AquaDeco costs $12.00. What makes it so expensive? Maybe, the source that is from virgin springs in Canada. This premium, non-carbonated spring water is available in quantities of 750 ml only. You might feel terrified to spill a drop on your clothes. You can find the taste of water to be heavenly.
10 Thousand BC

10 Thousand BC
Rich people have unique tastes. Maybe, they can afford the same. Naturally, shelling out $14 for a 750 ml water bottle is not so common. The source of this water is from exotic springs deep inside Canada. The water bottle has an apt name too. You do not know whether it is old water or new wine.

The source of Veen is in the Konisaajo spring in the Finnish Lapland. We do not know what they add to the water to make it tasty. Many people do not know, as they cannot afford to spend $23 for a bottle of water. However, you can find this water bottle in about seven European countries. We are just halfway into the list. What could be in store later on?

You should be able to take a guess as to what exactly is this bottle made of “Swarovski crystals” is the correct answer. In fact, you can also buy this water without the crystals. Would it serve the purpose of showing off? This water costing $40 per 750 ml is out of reach of man. High profile actors and athletes show off by drinking this water.

This bottle of water is expensive by any standards. Can you guess the price? Prices at $219 per 750 ml, this water is for the extremely rich. In fact, ‘Filo’ stands for empathy and ‘ricco’ stands for rich. Together they form Fillico. The shape of the bottle resembles the ‘King’ and the ‘Queen’ in chess. Maybe this is fit for such people alone.
Kona Nigari Water

Kona Nigari Water
The second most expensive water bottle costs $402 per 750 ml only. Can you imagine anyone drinking this water? People in Japan do so. This water can help you lose weight, reduce stress, and improve skin tone. Maybe this explains the light-footedness of the Japanese people. They should provide some bottles to the Sumo wrestlers. Reducing their weight would take some doing.
Acqua di Cristallo Tributo a Modigliani

Acqua di Cristallo Tributo a Modigliani
This water bottle takes the cake. Costing an unbelievable $60,000 for a 750 ml bottle, this is the most expensive water bottle in the world by a long way. There are no extra zeroes. The amount is $ 60,000.
The bottle is of 24 carats gold. In case you wish to have water for non-solid gold bottles, they are available at a cheap price of $3600. The bottles contain 5 milligrams of gold dust too. We do not know whether we drink the water or eat the bottle. I wonder, what will happen if a hotel waiter accidentally spills the water. He may have to pay with his life.