Ever since the ignominious fall of Harvey Weinstein, the women of Hollywood have banded together to make known that they will no longer sit quietly while atrocities take place behind the scenes. The #metoo campaign saw millions of women from all over the world chime in to share their stories and the human race took a big step towards correcting the gender imbalance that plagues the commercial world.
While women from all walks of life have spoken up against inequality, there have been some particularly prominent movers and shakers in Hollywood to whom we owe thanks. These powerful women in Hollywood have acted as a voice for those who have none. They have shown women in the farthest flung corners of the planet that they have support from the people at the top.
What’s more, the powerful women of Hollywood are not just standing up for women, they are showing just how much women are capable of. These women have climbed to the very top of their field and surmounted every obstacle in their way. Here are the most powerful women in Hollywood.
Meryl Streep
There are few women on earth that can boast a career akin to Streep’s. Having first been told she wasn’t pretty enough to be an actress, Streep has become a household name. Over the years she has had 20 Oscar nominations, three of which she has won. She has also publicly denounced the President for mocking a disabled journalist. Despite Trump’s vitriolic response, Streep stood strong and continues to be a role model to young women everywhere.
Lupita Nyong’o
After a breath taking performance in 12 Years a Slave, Nyong’o has gone from strength to strength. Her latest role in Black Panther proved that she is going to be around for a while. But, her acting is just one string to her incredibly talented bow. Nyong’o chimed in on the Weinstein debate with a public opinion piece in the New York Times. She commented on her own experience with the Hollywood titan and made it clear that she stood in solidarity with anyone who had suffered a similar or worse experience.
Reese Witherspoon
She might be tiny but Witherspoon certainly packs a punch. Her most recent endeavour, Big Little Lies, in which she starred and produced, shows her eagerness to convey a more accurate depiction of women to the world. Witherspoon has built her own empire, showing that women can do a lot more than just be mothers (which she does excellently as well by the way). She has also expressed her approval of the female solidarity that has emerged from the Weinstein scandal.
Oprah Winfrey
The ultimate rags to riches story, Oprah has long been revered as one of the most successful and powerful women in Hollywood. Recently, she has spent her time voice acting for the new A Wrinkle in Time, as well as voicing her opinion on the latest Hollywood scandals. She is looked up to by women and makes clear that she is on their side. Her empire includes TV shows, podcasts and even her very own range of soup and mashed potatoes. She is a true tour de force and we look forward to seeing her become even more successful in the years to come.