If you are one of the many people who is guilty of spending too much time scrolling through Instagram, you’ll be pleased to know there is so much more on the app than just photos of your mate’s coffee. You’re probably following a bunch of Instagram accounts that offer up a selection of memes and whatnot, but are you following true comedy gold? If you want to spice up your Instagram scrolling, here are some of our favourite hilarious Instagram accounts for your entertainment.
Texts From Your Ex – @TextsFromYourEx
This account is so brilliant and exposes the absolute worst in humanity. Crease and cringe as you read through a mixture of booty call texts and desperate attempts to make amends with people the sender has seriously pissed off. If nothing else, it’ll make you feel better about yourself.
Kanye Doing Things – @kanyedoingthings
Exactly what it says on the tin, this account is literally just photos of Kanye doing things and it’s brilliant. It is funny without even trying. Mundane photos and simple captions combine to create something incomprehensibly amusing,
Celeste Barber – @celestebarber
Celeste became an Internet sensation when she tried to recreate modelling photos herself. Her attempts are a million miles away from the original but infinitely more realistic and that’s why we love them.
Medieval Reacts – @medievalreacts
Honestly, what could be funnier that some weird medieval art with a hilarious modern caption? This is all this account does and every single post is golden.
That Looks Like a Dick – @ThatLooksLikeADick
Entertain your inner 12 year old with this highly juvenile account. The photos are simply things the account owner has found on screen and in real life that look like dicks. Simple yet hilarious.
Texts From Your Existentialist – @textsfromyourexistentialist
Very different to the texts from your ex account we mentioned earlier, this account combines classic art with a healthy dose of existentialist dread. Let’s be honest, who doesn’t have flash of existential panic every now and then anyway?
Eavesdropper – @_eavesdropper
People say the weirdest stuff when they think that no one is listening. Eavesdropper is a collection of conversation snippets that have been picked up around New York City. Ranging from painfully cringey to borderline criminal, it’s all good fun.
Official Sean Penn – @OfficialSeanPenn
Before you ask, no this is not Sean Penn’s official Instagram account. It is even better than that. This account is as amusing as it is unique and combines celebrity news with a splash of dark humour.
Passenger Shaming – @passengershaming
We have all had the misfortune of sitting on a place next to someone who is breaking every plane etiquette rule in the book. Well, now it’s time for these cretins to be named and shame. Passenger shaming is a collection of awful people doing terrible things on planes and it’s great.
Miserable Men – @MiserableMen
How many times have you seen guys looking thoroughly bored and miserable while they wait for their girlfriends and wives to finish trying on shoes and clothes? Well, now there’s an Instgram account dedicated to these poor guys and it is oh so funny.